DoD Glossary
Our industry is full of technical terminology. We’ve put together a glossary of terms to help you navigate and communicate what your company needs.
ACRN: Accounting Classification Reference Number
This accounting code appears as a two-position alpha or alphanumeric. There are two types: Funding ACRNs, assigned when funds are allocated, and Contract ACRNs, assigned to each accounting classification citation within the contract and appearing only on award contracts. The two types of ACRNs are not required to match, as they operate independently of one another.
ASN: Advance Shipment Notice
A document that provides detailed information about a pending delivery so the purchasing agency can be prepared to accept the delivery.
BSM: Business System Modernization
The goal of BSM is to bring Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) in line with business best practices by re-tooling logistics and providing stronger IT support across all levels. Its precursor is DPMS (Distribution Planning and Management System), which was created to improve combat logistics support.
CAR: Corrective Action Request
When a supplier has a product, process, or service that a federal agency customer finds to be non-conforming or non-compliant, the supplier will receive a formal notification asking them to remedy the issue. Learn more about the different levels of CARs in our blog post.
CLIN: Contract Line Item Number
CLINs are an element of defense contracts that provide details about what is being purchased, such as quantities of products and amount of service hours.
COC: Certificate of Conformance or Compliance
Although specifications are laid out in the contract, upon delivery, suppliers provide additional documentation verifying that the product was made in accordance with the agency’s specifications.
Class 1 Gen 2 Tags
Class-1 Generation-2 (Gen-2) radio frequency identification tags are used for item-level identification. Class 1 refers to the tag’s functionality: Class 1 tags can be HF (high frequency), which can read 20 tags at once, or UHF (ultra high frequency), which can read 200. Gen-2 refers to the standards of the tag type and the overarching system. Gen-2 offers faster, more flexible tag reading than previous generations. See Odyssey’s RFID label options here.
Data Matrix Code
A 2D label marking made up of black and white modules typically arranged in a square, often resembling a QR code. The Data Matrix is the required method of UID (Unique Identification) that defense suppliers must follow, in accordance with MIL-STD-130 (see below).
DLA: Defense Logistics Agency
DLA provides combat logistics support for the US military, federal agencies, partner and allied nations, managing the global supply chain from raw materials down to end users.
DFARS: Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
A supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) that sets forth DoD-specific rules that both government procurement teams and DoD contractors/suppliers must adhere to.
DPMS: Distribution Planning & Management System
Created to improve combat logistics support, DPMS has been replaced by BSM (see above).
DODAAC: Department of Defense Address Activity Code
A 6-position code that identifies a DoD organization, unit, or activity that is authorized to requisition, issue, fund/pay bills and more for DoD assets.
DIBBS: DLA’s Internet Bid Board System
This online portal gives users automated access to approximately 85% of the DLA’s solicitations, which support a wide variety of defense needs, including combat logistics, consumables like food and fuel, uniforms, equipment, and spare parts. Learn more about DIBBS in this article.
EDI: Electronic Data Interchange
As the name suggests, EDI provides a standardized format and process with which companies can exchange data electronically.
ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning System
ERP systems allow businesses to integrate and automate many back-office functions, including service, technology, and HR. Although ERP is a valuable tool, it is not natively capable of automating DoD supplier processes. Learn more in this article.
FAR: Federal Acquisition Regulation
The key set of regulations related to the procurement of US government goods and services, as defined by Chapter 1 of Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations
FTP: File Transfer Protocol
A standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server on a computer network.
iRAPT: Invoice Receipt Acceptance and Property Transfer
Formerly known as WAWF or Wide Area Workflow, iRAPT is DLA’s online system for electronic invoicing, receipt, and acceptance. It lets vendors submit and track invoices and receipt/acceptance documentation, and capture UID and RFID information. Learn more about iRAPT/WAWF in this article.
IUID: Item Unique Identification
Part of the DoD compliance process, IUID is a permanent marketing that gives procured equipment a unique ID mark.
MIL-STD-129R: Military Standard 129 Revision R
A labeling standard approved by the DoD and other agencies to track the shipping of requisitioned supplies and equipment. Learn more complying with MIL-STD-129R in this article.
MIL-STD-130N: Military Standard 130 Change 1
A set of directions for how to mark items purchased by the DoD, including instructions on acceptable materials, text formatting and syntax rules for identifying marks, where markings should be located, and so on. The requirements include rules about using the UID unique identifier Data Matrix for machine-readable information. Learn more in this article.
MILSTRIP: Military Standard Requisition and Issue Procedures
DoD-established procedures that govern the requisition and issue of supplies.
MPM: Military Preservation Method 10
Method 10 is a portion of MIL-STD-2073 that gives instructions for how goods should be packed and protected when shipped. Specific contracts may provide additional details as to the exact packaging materials you should use.
MSL: Military Shipping Label
Military Shipping Label must meet certain requirements for where they should be placed (at the case, crate, pallet, truckload/railcar level), what information they contain, and whether that information must be readable by humans or by machines.
NSN: National Stock Number or NATO Stock Number
This 13-digit numeric code identifies standardized items as they’ve been recognized by all NATO countries, including the US DoD. Learn more about how to easily create compliant labels with correct NSN information.
QAR: Quality Assurance Representative
Government QARs provide technical guidance and assistance to contractors and suppliers on matters related to execution of contracted services.
RFID: Radio Frequency Identification
RFID is a technology that automatically identifies and tracks tags attached to items using electromagnetic fields. Passive RFID tags can deliver electronic information by collecting energy from nearby RFID readers’ radio waves.
SFTP: Secure File Transfer Protocol
Also known as SSH File Transfer Protocol, SFTP provides file access, transfer, and management over reliable data streams.
TCN: Transport Control Number
A 17-character data point that’s assigned to shipment units in order to manage them throughout the supply chain and payment process.
UDF: User Defined Format
In data processing, UDF is a procedure that maps data value to data labels.
UID: Unique Identification
The DoD requires items to be labeled with UID as part of their system of establishing globally unique item identifiers to track government assets throughout their lifetime.
UIT: Unique Identification Technology
The technology and processes used to define and label items with UID.
VAN: Value Added Network
A hosted service that intermediates the sharing of proprietary data between business partners using a shared business process.
VIM-ASAP: Virtual Item Manager ARN Supply-Chain Automated Processing
This web system is used by government agencies to gather RFID and ASN information from suppliers. Learn more about Odyssey’s VIM-ASAP Console.
VSM: Vendor Shipment Module
The DLA’s online system designed to provide suppliers with the most up-to-date address and routing information for their DoD contracts.
WAWF: Wide Area Workflow
Now called iRAPT (see above), this online system lets vendors submit and track invoices and receipt/acceptance documentation, and capture UID and RFID information. Learn more about iRAPT/WAWF in this article.